National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ)

The Royal Life Saving Society UK’s (RLSS UK) NPLQ is the most awarded lifeguard qualification in the UK and Ireland and is also internationally recognised. More than 46,000 pool lifeguards qualify with the RLSS UK course every year, and there are currently more than 90,000 pool lifeguards qualified in the NPLQ – 95% of all UK pool lifeguards.  

RLSS UK is regulated by Ofqual, Qualifications Wales and CCEA in Northern Ireland. The RLSS UK Qualifications Level 3 Award in Pool Lifeguarding is also now worth 8 UCAS points, making it an even more popular choice for students going on to further and higher education.

Course Prerequisites

Every candidate attending a National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) course must be 16-years-old or above at the time of taking the NPLQ final assessment and be able to:

  • Jump/dive into deep water;
  • Swim 50 metres in less than 60 seconds;
  • Swim 100 metres continuously on front and back in deep water;
  • Tread water for 30 seconds;
  • Surface dive to the floor of the pool;
  • Climb out unaided without a ladder/steps and where the pool design permits

Course Content

The NPLQ covers all elements of Pool Rescue Techniques, Lifeguarding Theory, First Aid and CPR. The course is physically demanding and will include swimming to set times, lifting casualties and diving to the deepest part of the swimming pool. Training and assessment for the NPLQ are in three sections, and candidates must successfully pass all to attain the qualification.

Dates and Times

DateStart TimeEnd Time
Sunday 29th December 202408:3017:30
Monday 30th December 202408:3017:30
Thursday 2nd December 202508:3017:30
Friday 3rd December 202508:3017:30
Saturday 4th December 202508:3017:30


Important Information

Course times are subject to change. These will be confirmed nearer to the course start date. This qualification is delivered and assessed in English. Bookings must be made through the account of the individuals attending the training.

Please be aware that attending the NPLQ course does not guarantee you a qualification; this will be dependant on the performance and the abilities of the candidate. In order to successfully pass the qualification, the candidate must attend all course hours and successfully pass the final assessments.

Please view our Terms and Conditions prior to booking.

Purchase Ticket

NPLQ (5 seats remaining)